Published on: 08/27/2017 • 2 min read
Houston Flooding Emergency Contact Information
If you are a victim of the recent flooding in Harris County, resources are available to you. As always, should you need assistance with regard to FEMA benefits, please contact my district office at 713-682-8828.
During the storm, if you need immediate emergency contacts please reach out to the following entities:
Harris County Office of Emergency Management: 713-881-3100
Texas Emergency Assistance Hotline: 1-877-541-7905
Social Security Administration: 1-800-772-1213
Harris County Evacuation Assistance Registration: 2-1-1 (County wide) 3-1-1 (in Houston)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): 1-800-621-3362 TTY 1-800-462-7585
American Red Cross: 1-866-GET-INFO Or 1-866-438-4636
Local American Red Cross: 713-526-8300
Survivors with questions regarding their applications or the appeals process still have several ways to obtain information:
Go online at
Call 800-621-3362 or (TTY) 800-462-7585. People who use 711-Relay or Video Relay Services (VRS) can call 800-621-3362. Multilingual operators are available.
Visit the Texas Disaster Recovery website
Contact U.S. Small Business Administration’s Disaster Assistance Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955, email, or visit SBA’s website at Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals may call 800-877-8339.
FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program has a call center to answer Texas policyholders’ flood insurance questions. Specialists can help with servicing claims, providing general information and offering technical assistance to aid in recovery. To speak with a flood insurance specialist, call 800-621-3362 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Visit for publications and reference material on rebuilding and repairing safer and stronger.
For more information on Texas recovery, visit the disaster web page at, Twitter at and the Texas Division of Emergency Management website,
If you have problems navigating the FEMA application process, or you need assistance with any other federal agency, please contact the Houston office at (713) 682-8828.
Harris County Flood Control District Administers the FEMA Voluntary Home Buyout Program in Harris County. For information on the program, eligibility, and to apply, click here.
City of Houston –Houston residents should visit the City of Houston recovery website, or dial 3-1-1 for assistance.
American Red Cross –For shelter, food, clothing, and other emergency assistance, call the American Red Cross at (866) 526-8300.
Harris County Flood Control District – For the latest information on the state of Harris County’s watersheds, visit the website or to report house flooding call 713-684-4000.
Harris County Recovery Network –For questions about general disaster recovery resources available to Harris County residents, please call the Community Services Department team at (713) 696-1998, or visit their website.
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