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Published on: 03/24/2016

Brazil’s Political Corruption and Pettifor on the UK

Former Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was named chief of staff for Dilma Rousseff amid allegations linking both more deeply to the corruption scandal at Petrobras and signs of rising Inflation in the US are increasing.; Edward Harrison weighs in. Then, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at why so many child refugees are seeking asylum in Sweden. Afterwards, Ameera David sits down with Ann Pettifor – director of PRIME – to talk about the UK economy.

After the break, Edward is joined by Worth Wray – chief economist and global macro strategist at STA Management – to talk about emerging markets. And in The Big Deal, Edward and RT’s Simone Del Rosario talk about the latest in the Flint water crisis.

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