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Published on: 01/10/2016

Divorcing in 2016? Get your affairs in order first

If you’re planning to get divorced in 2016, start thinking about your exit strategy now. Divorce filings surge in January as people decide to start their New Year with a clean slate, experts say. “We are at least 25% busier in January and, sometimes, twice as busy,” says Randy Kessler, an Atlanta-based lawyer who wrote the book, “Divorce: Protect Yourself, Your Kids, and Your Future.” “January is always the biggest month for new divorce filings. A lot of people who are unhappily married get through the holidays and say, ‘You know what? I’m going to start the year fresh.’ The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers says divorce filings in January are usually one-third higher. If you are unable to follow the link, please click here for a PDF Version.

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