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Published on: 09/07/2018 • 1 min read

John Dini

Scott Bishop and John Dini talk on the STA Money Hour about Business Succession and Exit Strategies. and getting the deal closed. John F. Dini is a business coach, consultant and author of the award-winning books Hunting in a Farmer’s World, Celebrating the Mind of an Entrepreneur, and Your Exit Map: Navigating the Boomer Bust, as well as11 Things you Absolutely Need to Know about Selling Your Business (all available at John lives in San Antonio and is widely recognized as one of the nation’s leading experts on transferring business ownership, John has delivered over 12,000 hours of face-to-face leadership and exit planning advice to entrepreneurs. He holds two business degrees and six additional business certifications.

During the show, Scott and John talk about many of the struggles that Baby Boomers have in creating a Business Succession Plan and/or Exit Strategy and talk about many of the issues that Scott Discussed in his article profiled in 2018 in the Houston CPA Society Form Newsletter entitled: “Leaving your Legacy: Business Succession Planning”. Scott and John also talked about many of the topics to be discussed in Avidian Wealth’s upcoming workshop called “Business Transitioning – Wrestling the Deal to Close” (click the hyperlink for the invitation to RSVP).

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